Date(s) - 26/01/2025
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Contact Name: Anne Robertson
Contact Email:
Contact Tel: 07951728862
That’s How We Roll!
Feldenkrais workshop with Anne Robertson
Sunday 26 January, 2-5pm
Suitable for all
£40/£35 concessions (in advance), £45/£40 (on the day)
That’s how we roll!
Rolling – side to side, and front to back is a key developmental milestone for human infants. It is when we learn to move our whole self, for the first time, in pursuit of some wider intention or just for fun!
Rolling – using the floor and gravity in a positive way, becomes the basis for coming up to all fours or to sitting, to learning how to relate the turning of our head and eyes to our pelvis, our arms to our legs and our legs to each other, as we cross the midline and go happily back and forth from back-lying to belly-lying and beyond…
As adults we can revisit the pleasure and purpose of this learning, to move in gravity with grace and ease. We can better organise our limbs, lengthen our spines and discard unnecessary effort in our journey onward and upward.
Suitable for all
Please contact Anne for any information about the workshop and to book at, tel: 07951728862. More information about what Feldenkrais is – Feldenkrais Method
Online bookings are not available for this event.