
Please ring: 0161 833 2528

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Online Appointment Form

Once you have submitted this form, the practitioner will contact you to make an appointment.

    AcupunctureAlexander TechniqueCareer CoachingCounsellingGestalt PsychotherapyHakomiIntegrative TherapyJapanese Facial RejuvenationMassageReflexologySelf-Enquiry and Constellation WorkShiatsuSomatic Experiencing

    If you would like to include any other information with your appointment request please include that below. Please note it will be visible to admin staff. To share sensitive information exclusively with the practitioner, leave this field blank and wait until they get back to you.

    By clicking Send, you agree for Bodywise to use your data as set out in our Data Policy.

    Our opening times are designed to allow for after work appointments and classes. We are open all year except for Christmas holidays when we re-open early in the new year.

    Payments are due to the practitioners. Please enquire with them which payment methods they accept. For all appointments, please give forty-eight hours notice if you wish to cancel, otherwise you will be charged the full amount.