Alastair Stewart

I have been working in a mindful way for over 20 years, initially with a ground breaking mental health project called Lothlorien. A curiosity of how the body expresses emotion and subsequently manages that emotion is at the heart of my practice.

This journey has taken me to live with Yogis, Zen monks, to be deeply in nature, and professionally, to study and practice with some great teachers of body-orientated psychotherapy.

My trainings have led me to qualifications as a Person-Centred/Hakomi certified and IFS trained therapist. I have been qualified in supervising fellow therapists for 10 years.

Why Mindinthebody

Our habitual ways of being in the world have an unconscious component, by slowing down what we habitually do and becoming curious as to the internal winds that move us, we can discover a deeper relationship to the many parts of us. This relationship deepens with the “selfless”, non discriminatory nature of self… the self that has no agenda, that mirror like quality of being called mindfulness.

The qualities of my practice are echoed in these 4 Hakomi tenets:

  • Unity – acknowledging everything as part of a greater whole
  • Organicity – the experience of healing from the inside out
  • Mindfulness – the practice of noticing present experience
  • Nonviolence – respecting the wholeness of each of us

Our body is the conduit to all our experience. Through the practice of loving presence and an awareness for what is being generated in the present moment, we can come to life with an openness and acceptance of our thoughts and feelings. By integrating what at times seem like
conflictual emotions, we can realize our wholeness and foster a deeper connection to our substance in the world.


Working with trauma has its challenges and touches many parts of us… If you are a therapist working with people be it on a physical, emotional or mental level supervision is important. At the heart of our work is the self that we bring to the relationship.

What I will support you in is being more fully who you are, supporting your practice from experience and to foster in you a deepening curiosity of your own process as you come to your case load. How to create safety and how to step out of the client’s systems that are keeping them stuck…

Over the years I’ve supervised a wide spectrum of therapist’s from in training students to very experienced therapists and supervisors… some being body workers others just being solely psychotherapists; the common vein being trauma work.

By offering conditions of deep acceptance of the full circle of who we are we can come to realize the support we need to unfold into our work and more widely into our life… self care!

Tai Chi / Qi Gong

I also teach a Tai Chi / Qi Gong class in the Bodywise studio on Tuesdays. Contact me at to book your place.

Alastair Stewart MBACP

Appointment: £55
Free 30 minute phone appointment
Concessions sometimes available
Please note – our cancellation policy

Some Useful links on Hakomi and IFS:

About IFS – Internal Family Systems