Career Coaching By Phone

Reached your 30’s, 40’s or more but not found work you truly love?
Career Coaching is ideal for anyone who wants to align their career with what truly matters to them, and brings them joy, whilst building an exceptional work-life balance. It can help you decide whether it would be best for you to stay in your current job/career or make a change. It can provide solutions for a wide range of work-related issues.
Career Coach Kathryn Entwistle helps both employed and self-employed people who want more from their work or career. She works One-to-One by Phone and also offers Seminars by Phone which everyone is welcome to join.
From £48 inclusive of extras
To find out more about 1 to 1 Career Coaching by Phone
Book a complementary chat with Kathryn by emailing or call 01772 458523, with no obligation. Whether you’re at a ‘career crossroads’ or wanting lasting satisfaction in your existing job, I’ll be delighted to discuss how I can help you. Assistance is just a phone call or email away.
Kathryn Entwistle / Kamaladhi is a Professional Career Coach, NLP Practitioner & Practicing Buddhist.
Get your Free recording of Kathryn’s Career Direction Seminar at:
Listeners’ comments:
“It was very inspiring…the final part was gripping!” Jo Oliver
“I was bowled over by the depth and large amount of information.” Kate Harris
Receive Kathryn’s Free ‘Noble Pathways’ Newsletter by email, packed with ‘tools’ to use in your work and career, when you register free at:
What Kathryn’s clients say:
“Through our sessions I have a clearer idea of where I can go next and what I have to offer. I really feel very motivated and armed with more ‘tools’ to be a friend to myself and create some positive outcomes. Thanks Kathryn”
Bradley Lincoln, Research Officer, Centre for British Teachers, now successfully self-employed.
“After the coaching sessions, I had such a strong sense of well-being and happiness. It’s much easier to take action in my life having had coaching from Kathryn.”
Vidyabhadri, Manchester Buddhist Centre Team
“I am in such a better place now. . and feel that it’s absolutely due to us working together. I am so pleased, no . . overjoyed! at the progress I’ve made.”
Nikki Howarth, Business Developer for Keelan Westall
“Since starting to work with Kathryn I have found greater confidence, assertiveness and awareness. My career is going from strength to strength and I feel excited and positive about the future. I would strongly recommend career coaching and Kathryn to anyone.”
Tom Raines, Equality Officer