Anne Robertson
I spent almost 40 years an an NHS physiotherapist in Manchester, working in hospitals and in the community. Iʼve worked mainly with people living with neurological disorders, their families and carers.
I became aware of the Feldenkrais Method through my work about ten years ago and was really excited by the possibilities it offered on a personal and professional level. I undertook the four year professional training course in Lewes in East Sussex (one of many international trainings) and graduated in April 2012.
Since then, though I have retired from the NHS, I am still committed to sharing the benefits of Feldenkrais more widely. Iʼm one of only three qualified teachers in the city but Iʼm glad to say several more are in training.
When Iʼm not teaching, Iʼm generally gardening, cooking, singing with Manchester Community Choir and generally enjoying retirement.
Contact Anne: 07951728862
Feldenkrais classes, courses and workshops calendar at Bodywise