Gestalt Psychotherapy
Gestalt is a German word. The closest translation is ‘whole’, ‘pattern’ or ‘form’. Gestalt therapy suggests that people can’t be understood by being broken down into parts but rather by an appreciation of the whole – including the larger cultural realities (gender, race, sexuality, economics, etc.) that contribute to a person’s situation.
In practice, Gestalt practitioners work with clients to help them focus on self-awareness: on what is happening from one moment to the next or, as we often say, in the Here and Now. This greater holistic awareness and increased insight into how you think, feel and act is very liberating. With more awareness comes more choice and ultimately more freedom to live the life you want.
More information about Gestalt therapy: What is Gestalt Psychology? | The Gestalt Centre
Paul Whitehead (Vidyapala) GPTI (UKCP)
£40 whilst waiting for final accreditation (rates will go up thereafter)
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