Karina Harwood
Karina’s journey with yoga ❤️
Growing up meditating and receiving the wellbeing benefits, it was a dream to find the practise of yoga ~ a moving meditation ~ in my early twenties.
I found hot yoga 8 years ago and fell in love. I began going to classes 3 times a week, building it up to a daily practise. This was a discipline that was easy to follow because I loved the way it felt. I could feel myself growing as a person in a positive way. This practise combined with meditation, asana (yoga postures) and mantras also provided tools to love and rebirth my inner child.
At age 25, I started 6am Mysore ashtanga classes whilst training to be a speech and language therapist. I began to feel this big shift releasing fascia and emotional trauma that was stored in my body. Yoga became a way of life. I learnt how to love my body deeply and see it as a healthy, beautiful miracle, as is all of our bodies.
When I was 29, I completed my 200 hour Vinyasa Yoga training with Andrea Everingham in Fuerteventura. I teach workshops and classes across Manchester, specialising in vinyasa, yin and inversions, particularly headstands.
In 2023, I completed a trauma-informed Yin training with Kevin Denninson at the Yogaloft Manchester. Combining the Yin and Yang in yoga brings a spicy and nurturing class whilst providing a safe space to co-regulate our nervous systems.
Yoga is multifaceted and allows you to explore as much or as little as you are ready for. The physical, emotional and spiritual benefits are vast. So when a yogi shares with me after class that it’s helped with their wellbeing, it’s the greatest gift, it’s a full circle. The magic of yoga.
Yoga with Karina
Yoga Classes
Price: £11/£7 concessions
Check our Calendar for Karina’s yoga classes.
Please email Karina to book: karinayogamanchester@gmail.com