Weekend Workshops

See our full Calendar for classes and courses

MARCH 2025

  • Reducing Tension in the Face, Neck and Jaw – Feldenkrais Workshop with Anne Robertson – Sunday 2 March 2-5pm Many of us experience jaw pain, teeth grinding, or tension in the face or neck, which can lead to other discomforts including headaches. In this workshop you will have fun exploring and updating your facial habits and their connections in a way that can free your neck and jaw, improve your balance, perhaps your singing, and your sense of wellbeing. These workshops take place in Bodywise yoga studio and cost £45, Early bird rate £40 (£35 concessions), each with a different focus of Feldenkrais. Please book with Anne annerobbo18@gmail.com tel: 07951728862. More information about what Feldenkrais is – Feldenkrais Method
  • Shiatsu Practitioner Training – Saturday 8 & Sunday 9 March with Shiatsu College Manchester. For more information, contact the Shiatsu College at manchester@shiatsucollege.co.uk
  • Centred & Connected: An Introduction to Shiatsu with Barbara Medda and Vicky Marshall – Saturday 15 March 10:30am-5.30pm Hands-on introductory workshop, where you’ll learn simple yet effective Shiatsu techniques to practice with your loved ones. No experience needed—just curiosity and a willingness to explore! £85 (Early bird £75 by 10 Feb). Contact the Shiatsu College at manchester@shiatsucollege.co.uk
  • Shiatsu practitioner CPD Day with Hannah Mackay – Saturday 22 March 10am-5.30pm Playing with how we pay attention. How do we pay attention when we are giving shiatsu? How can we support our clients with attention issues? Shiatsu practitioners and students from all schools of shiatsu are welcome. Contact hannahmackay@hotmail.com
  • Finding Home in Our Bodies – Somatic Movement Workshop with Padmadarshini – Saturday 29 March 10:30am-1:30pm In this workshop we take our time to arrive with a gentle guided movement practice. We will also explore the practice of ‘authentic movement’, where we really have time, space and support to listen deeply to the body’s inner impulses for movement and rest. No experience necessary. £45 or £35 concession. Please book with Padmadarshini directly: padmad3@gmail.com

Book your Workshop

Please contact the teacher directly to book your workshop. Details are provided above for each workshop.

Calendar Schedule

See our Calendar for dates and details.

Yoga Equipment

We supply all equipment for you to use in your class or course, although you can also bring your own. Please wear some comfortable clothes. You can also buy yoga equipment and books from the Manchester Buddhist Centre bookshop. See their opening times here under ‘How to get here’

Our way to practice is one step at a time, one breath at a time. Shunryu Suzuki

One-to-one session

One-to-one tuition is an opportunity to explore yoga in more depth where we can help you tailor your practice to your own needs, either to accommodate an injury or health issue or help develop your own personal yoga or movement practice. 1 hour sessions cost £40 to £50. Call us for more information.

Our Studio

We have a beautiful purpose designed studio here at Bodywise, a quiet oasis in the heart of Manchester city centre.

Yoga & Movement Teachers

All our Teachers are fully trained with a high degree of continued professional development. Find out more about the Yoga Teachers and Movement Teachers.

What kind of Yoga?

We teach dynamic flow sequences harmonising breath and movement which build strength, vitality and fluidity. This is balanced by a quiet yin style yoga practice which cultivates relaxation and stillness. We limit class size to optimise personal attention. In a yoga class you will learn about the core movement principles that underpin the practice of yoga and experience how these develop strength in the body.